Adam: “Sir, You Put This Woman Here”

The title of this post is from Genesis 3:12. When Adam was found to be in trouble, he blamed his wife (and he blamed Yah!). Adam had a choice; No one forced him to eat the fruit. Yah created him first, he was in the leadership position to correct her. At that point he failedContinue reading “Adam: “Sir, You Put This Woman Here””

Israylite Women: Please Stay Home Tonight… …It’s the Shabbat tonight anyway. At 7 pm, they (the powers that be) are releasing the video of the young man getting beaten. Please stay home with your children and stay safe. Let Israylite men handle their business. There might be rioting in several cities tonight. Don’t be used as a bullet shield, youContinue reading “Israylite Women: Please Stay Home Tonight…”

News I’ve been listening a few days about these riots. At first, I thought, “There’s no way the Goyiim would protest against the police to be stopped or banned.” Do you know why? Because the Goyiim benefit from their protection the most and they know this fact. I was watching the news a few minutesContinue reading “News”

Watch Three Demons Move as Orbs…

…In this episode of next generation called “Power Play.” Each of their characters changed instantly. One orb would not enter the first commander because of his broken arm (pain receptors in his broken arm) or maybe something deeper about him. Data, the machine was even affected by one of the demons. 1-24-23: These are probablyContinue reading “Watch Three Demons Move as Orbs…”

Watch Data Create a Neuro-Link

Data even mentions “neurolink” in this episode, however, I could not find the full episode online just cut versions. I could not find him saying neurolink in these cut versions. This is the Locutus part 2 episode where he says that he will create a neurolink to infiltrate the borg mind to stop its plans.Continue reading “Watch Data Create a Neuro-Link”

Reading the Room: Just Let Us Die

Yahoshua turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ Then “’they will say to the mountains, “Fall onContinue reading “Reading the Room: Just Let Us Die”