
I’m going to take a break from blogging, family. I have not been feeling well lately. I know what you are thinking and yes I will still be studying the word of Yah. There are plenty of blog posts here for you to re-read. You can also take this time to study the bible andContinue reading “Study”

How To Have Success and Prosperity!

The other day, I was looking at this old (mini) lesson that a group of Israylites gave on Youtube. The teacher started the lesson out with this scripture: Joshua (Yahoshua) 1:8, Keep this book of the law always on your lips. Meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to doContinue reading “How To Have Success and Prosperity!”

Yah’s Feasts vs. Christmas

The other day, a Gentile older man, told me the reason why the United States kept going back into Afghanistan. He said they kept going back because they were looking for a lithium mine. You see, Afghanistan has the world’s largest lithium mine. Lithium is a source of power, used in things like batteries. HeContinue reading “Yah’s Feasts vs. Christmas”