I’ve Been Watching Shark Week…

…On the Animal Planet Channel and Discovery. This one episode the Gentiles were diving for a sea snail called abalone. They said that some (paraphrased) have retired rich off of this industry. It is a delicacy of many Gentile nations along with other unclean animals such as sea urchins and sea cucumbers, everything from theContinue reading “I’ve Been Watching Shark Week…”

Before Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Everyone knows about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But who knew about the Marshall Islands? Mystery Babylon tricked those people and used them to see what would happen if a bomb dropped. Then to remember it always, the Gentiles, a Frenchmen named his clothing “the Bikini” after this island called Bikini!!! This isn’t taught in school, y’all.Continue reading “Before Hiroshima and Nagasaki”


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/1409 Congress wants to introduce this bill so that Americans will have to upload their driver’s license (for photo and address). It’s said to be for kids safety but later will it be for anyone who says anything that they don’t like? Any criminal on the internet will just use a fake I.D. https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/07/19/man-charged-with-felony-reckless-conduct-not-disclosing-hiv-status/ WatchContinue reading “News”

The Odd Shenanigans, Tom-Foolery of the Israylite

https://www.al.com/news/2023/07/carlee-russell-the-5-strangest-things-from-the-hoover-police-press-conference.html Israylite women are saying that this story is probably a hoax and/or fake news. The sad part of the story is that the thousands of Israylite women and girls that are really kidnapped will have an even harder time getting publicity to find them because of this liar who was trying to get theContinue reading “The Odd Shenanigans, Tom-Foolery of the Israylite”

The Year Yah Blocked Out The Sun

ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azu6NN5bZWc This volcanic event happened in the year 535 AD or the mid 6th century. So now we understand why ha Shatan wants to block the sunlight (from the previous post). He copies everything that Yah does. Because Yah blocked out the sun, darkness, famine and death swept over the earth yet the adversary claimsContinue reading “The Year Yah Blocked Out The Sun”

Mystery Babylon Wants To Block the Sunlight

https://www.outlookindia.com/international/white-house-toys-with-new-research-on-solar-radiation-modification-to-block-sunlight-to-prevent-global-warming-news-300157 Years ago, my teacher use to say and he said it often, that this captivity, the captivity of the European Gentiles is the worst captivity EVER. He explained that the Hamites once ruled the earth starting from Nimrod and they ruled for thousands of years. However, the European Gentiles (and Mystery Babylon) have onlyContinue reading “Mystery Babylon Wants To Block the Sunlight”

Guess What Your Foolish Sons Are Saying On the Internet?

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tennessee-surgeon-fatally-shot-targeted-attack-patient-exam-room-polic-rcna93821 They are saying that they want to start a “race” war. They don’t even have eyes to see that Yah uses the Gentiles to utterly destroy them. Any war they start without Yah, will fail. Period. The Gentiles will have salvation, for those who desire it. https://www.wsaz.com/2023/07/12/2-firefighters-shot-fire-station-alabama/ It looks like they also want toContinue reading “Guess What Your Foolish Sons Are Saying On the Internet?”

When Yah Sends Righteous Counsel, Do You Listen?

https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/titan-submersible-implosion-cause I was watching the ‘brews talk about this tragedy on the internet. I saw a lot of comical memes (even ‘brews saying this ain’t our battle) but it seemed like no one got the big picture (although there were a number of lessons that could be learned here). Yeah, we know not many ‘brewsContinue reading “When Yah Sends Righteous Counsel, Do You Listen?”