Psalm 91 in Real Time

It’s 7:04 pm right now as I type on the Shabbat and I don’t usually blog on the Shabbat. However, I just saw a news report. The reporter said the death toll from the “Rona” or Corona Virus has surpassed 10,000 in Italy. Remember Yah said 10,000 on your right and thousands on your otherContinue reading “Psalm 91 in Real Time”

A Controversy Stirring

Have y’all ever heard of sex tourism? I was listening to a disturbing commentary today. Did y’all know that Americans travel to certain countries for sex? It use to be mostly American/White Gentile men however now American Black men are starting to do it. They especially like to go to the Dominican Republic and MexicoContinue reading “A Controversy Stirring”