Shug Avery Voice: “You Shole Is Ugly”

Not only are American Israylites murdering you every 5.5 hours (woman) but now, Nigerian stiff-necks are coming to a hood near you and murdering you too. The original video of him crushing her skull in with a pole is very disturbing, you can hear her bones breaking. The person with the camera phone did nothing but watch. He too is also a murderer according to Yah. See Jubilees chapter 4 on witnessing a murder and not doing anything.

Some of y’all haven’t got the memo: Going to an HBCU is just like living in the hood………. This mammy-Frankenstein-monster-zombie destroyed them.

This woman was cut up into pieces messing with Ashy Larry. PickMeisha refuses to believe that she is in danger.

While at work, you better fill their order perfectly or it may be your last. These monsters have no compassion for simple human error in a fast-paced restaurant yet they always want to be a victim who needs compassion, the irony. Typical narc. Another thing, while at work just greet, do the company business and thank the customer. That’s it. You are not required to be “overly friendly” with customers. Although women who do not smile enough are often reported to corporate, the company never fires them if they greet, help and thank. Never fired…you have done your job. I noticed too that men rarely are reported for not “smiling enough” to customers. A narc wants you to smile a lot so your guard is down and then they move in for the kill. I digress. By ugly in the title, I mean they have ugly, evil hearts which makes their faces appear ugly, demonic.

A Question Some are Afraid to Ask…

…but have been beating around the bush wanting to ask: If Putin is being compared to Hitler and the president of Ukraine is a Jew, how come world leaders aren’t going to save him like they saved the Jews in WWII? They are asking why isn’t the European Union sending in troops? Why isn’t NATO sending in troops? Although NATO sent troops to Poland a neighboring country where Ukrainians are running.

  • The European Union put up a yellow and blue a Ukraine flag and said our prayers are with you but sent no help.
  • Germany put up a Ukraine flag but not stopping buying Russian oil. Germany has been blocking sanctions because of a system called SWIFT(?), a currency system, so that the currency system is not destabilized.
  • Italy is also a major buyer of Russian oil.
  • The Ukraine people, mostly women and children are at the train stations in a mass exodus. I saw Ukraine soldiers firing blanks to stop a stampede. When Putin begun by surrounding Ukraine, why did the people of Ukraine wait to start moving? When the MOS stands up will you wait when Yah has told us to flee as soon as he stands up and makes the announcement?
  • Many European companies are on the payroll of Russian oil.
  • Finland now wants to join NATO; So Putin threatened Finland not to join.
  • Romania is an ally to Russia so that explains why Ukrainians were running only to Poland.
  • Hitler invaded Poland.
  • Ukrainian men are not allowed to leave and neither are boys 16 years old and above. They are being given arms to fight. Some people are asking why the people were not allowed to arm themselves before this? And that it would have saved time.
  • Some people are wondering if there will be A WORLDWIDE ENERGY CRISIS on oil and gas?
  • Poland has received thousands of Ukrainians and NYC will also soon receive thousands of refugees.
  • Putin called Ukraine President a Neo Nazi.

Please forgive any typos in my notes.

Interesting Facts About Russia: And WWIII?

  1. Russia is the largest country in the world; Canada being the second largest.
  2. Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe.
  3. Russia was formally called USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet Union.
  4. Ukraine among other nations is bordered by the Black Sea which is why Russia needs to guard its south entry and exit point.
  5. Russia recently annexed the country of Crimea also on its southern border.
  8. Russians make up about 17% or Ukraine population. Putin has stated that Russia and Ukraine are one people.
  9. Russia pipes its oil to eastern Europe through Crimea and now probably Ukraine. Putin does not want Ukraine to become apart of NATO, therefore becoming allied with the USA which could start a civil war because many Ukrainians are Russian. Russia pipes oil to China also; So they aren’t worried about USA sanctions. Russia has regained a nuclear power plant in Ukraine called Chernobyl. No one knows what Russia will do with it?
  10. Remember when Taliban took over Afghanistan, the president of the country fled. The Ukraine President has stayed to go down with the ship.
  12. Now that Russia has made a move, will China take over Taiwan and Hong Kong? And who owns the South China Sea that Asian nations argue over?
  14. During WWII, the USSR according to our teacher, along with the USA, received fallen angel (the watchers) tech, primarily the Atomic Bomb or A-bomb, rocket technology and other technologies that Hitler received from the fallen ones.
  15. Do y’all know that there are 15 other countries that were part of the USSR? Including Georgia, Latvia, Armenia and many of the “stan” countries. Hitlers’ first take over country was Poland. Some of these formally USSR countries are NATO countries today.
  16. WWI was primarily fought in Europe/with USA help. WWII involved Europe, USA and Japan. Europe is always the common denominator. WWIII?
  17. Yahoshua told us that there would be wars and rumors of wars. However, remember in the Revelation Series our teacher taught us that the country of “the north” which could be Russia or North Korea, we don’t know yet, would destroy Mystery Babylon. Stay watchful not worried. The COY have Yah/Yahoshua.


Concubine Vs. Concubine? Although some people are saying they aren’t sure if the perpetrator is indeed born a female. The jury is still out on whether the perpetrator is a he-she. You can definitely see that the victim is a natural woman. Every Israylite woman is not your sister-friend or sister-wife…

She let the devil into the house: The police would not knock down the door. They are hesitant to save you anymore, Pickmeisha. You like to call them all racist and go after their jobs. You march for GlockTavious’ rights. Now the family is mad that Officer Brad isn’t in a rush to save your daughters. Why didn’t you all protect your daughter when this sketchy individual made an appearance into her life? Did you check on her to see what she was up to?

News: Deuteronomy 28:16 Run Nig Run & Totipotent Stem Cells

Three Nigerians were caught dressed as Arab women to enter Dubai, one of the richest countries of the world. Look how Yah revealed their shame in the post above. They were doing the same thing that we have seen Haitian men doing: Instead of rebuilding their country together they run to Gentile men. We also see them running from many other African countries were there is great wealth in it’s resources, to live and be taken care of by the Gentile men of Europe. Do y’all know that Nigeria is rich in oil?

They let Chinese men take over Africa and never go to Yah in counsel about the matter. Now they want to be taken care of by Arab men, Ishmael. They refuse to repent to Yah and submit to Yahoshua. Please read the books of Nehemiyah and Maccabyah on how to rebuild your kingdom…

Yahoshua said there will be no cowards and effeminate(s) in the kingdom…………………

Have y’all heard that they cured a mixed (part “black”) woman of H.I.V.? We already know from statistics that black men have the highest rate of H.I.V today and therefore black women and black adjacent women are high carriers in the (primarily) sex disease.

Years ago, when I was in school, one of my teachers use to talk about totipotent stem cells ALL the time. This was one of his favorite subjects back in the 90s. A totipotent stem cell is a cell in the umbilical cord of a baby that can become any cell in it’s body starting from the beginning of its conception. Have you ever noticed that when a baby is born they take, unless you give them instructions not to take, your placenta sac and the umbilical cord? They do research on the cells in that umbilical cord. There is no telling what they are doing with your baby’s cells. However, here it looks like they were trying to save people by curing their disease. I have also read somewhere or other that they are using totipotent stem cells to put some cancer patients into remission. Do y’all remember Magic Johnson was cured of his H.I.V. in the 90s and a lot of people had questions? I bet he went out the country to get this procedure done.

I have read somewhere years ago, that you can have your baby’s totipotent stem cells frozen, just in case he or she or a family member gets sick and needs these cells.

Satan Has Begun His Smear Campaign Against the Righteous Israylites Via Evil Israylites

Remember years ago our teacher told us that this is the strategic move that ha Shatan would make before the persecutions began. The group that made this film are called “Good Fight Ministries” a very ironic name. More than likely they are satanically backed Christians and Jews themselves.